Captain Jane Baker
They came, they saw and they started digging up the green! This is what they did today:
Joe won the Spider
Finalists Keith and Peter & Chris and Mike
Winners Keith and Peter
Trevor won overall
Jane was top girl
Trevor won the Spider
The line up
Chris won the Spider
The Boys won
In the clubhouse
Enjoying the buffet
The Line Up
Flowers for Shirley
Neil won overall after a play off with Liz Cb
Mike won the Spider
Trevor won overall
Mel was top lady
Derek won the Spider
Scoreboard 1
Scoreboard 2
It was very warm but there was nice breeze across the green.
Rod won the Competition
John and Roger shared the £4 second prize
Joe won the Spider
All the details
Liz Cobold was the winner with an impressive score of 67
Mel was the runner-up
Spider Winner Jane
Boys will be boys, couldn't resist having a sneaky rollup!!